THE ONGOING SOJOURN: From Truth To Freedom


MIND CONTROL vs. SPIRITUAL LIBERATION | UPDATE: Area 51: The turning of the Screwed | The Non-believers vs. the Knowers | STEP TWO: Jesus and The Aquarian Gospel | Magic bullets? Snake Oil? and Fraud! | MINERALS vs. DISEASE | DEATH by DOCTORING | TOP SHELF VIDEOS | NATIONAL ID CARDS?!? | DISTURBING DISCLOSURES | The BIBLE: Linear or Cyclic?!? | SYNCHRONICITY: A Perspective | POEM of FREEDOM | UNMASKING the CHEMTRAILS: AN OVERVIEW | SHELL GAMES & HIDDEN $$$~~YOURS!!!


by byron lebeau

[The below essay is a selective critique of THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION by

Angelico Tapestra, Volume One. Although there are at least six major sections

to this volume containing a myriad of sometimes very insightful essays about

the OUTER LIMITS of today's troubled world, I have chosen to focus on only two

aspects thereof that seem to be the pole opposites that desperately need

integration as we are fast approaching the end to this age.]

What keeps Man from reuiniting with his/her God or Great Spirit or Universal

Mind, or whatever word you find endearing to express the ultimate force? The

short answer is 'The desire for the things of lower vibrations.' Although, in

essence, we are our own worst enemy in this regard, once we 'desire' the

things of lower vibration, we unwittingly open the 'Pandora's Box' of even

lesser vibrational forces to invade & hold us back even more from our reunion

with the Father.

MIND CONTROL is an ancient phenomenon & method that thus becomes a "sworn

enemy" to our eventaul liberation, fostered by those who remain in ignorance &

darkness. Once ensnared, it is very difficult to sever its clutches. This

phenomenon has been taken to new "lows" ~ alive & well ~ and functioning

beneath the collective noses of Americans throughout the land. One essay in

Tapestra's book particularly outlines this insidious phenomenon which may very

well be the 'modus operandi' to enslave mankind as this present age winds down

~ THE BEAST WITHIN! It would do one well to know this enemy (both within &

without) and prepare against its coming onslaught on the full mass of


WILLIAM DEAN ROSS wrote a very good overlay as an essay appearing on pages

343-346 of this present volume. The title: 'BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL: Black

Arts & Black Sciences.'

These 'BLACK OPERATIONS' were developed in the United States after WW I,

becoming a sub-culture that was completely cut-off from the mainstream

Americans. Without Congressional oversight, it became a law unto itself,

spawning what we now know of as 'Black Operations' (BLACK OPS) Since these

programs that were developed were outside the Constitution (the only political

instrument that keeps the wolves at bay,) unscrupulous & overzealous lustful

spiritually-ignorant technocrats ~ could & did ~ use part of these programs to

develope sophisticated MIND CONTROL applications, such as extremely low

frequency mind control (ELF) & weather control (via the H.A.A.R.P. program.)

Think tanks like Standard Research Institute & Tavistock (in England) were

the product of these same "power hungry few" who could put such 'spin' on the

things being developed, without any real critical scrutiny [[thanks to the

controlled MEDIA]] that, as Ross states, kept "...the masses fooled about

virtually everything." [[Except perhaps for the Internet, things have not

changed much since then!]]

The deception was described "like a cancer" and eventually infected everything

from Hollywood to International Banking. The Media was controlled, so that

the people could not make proper evaluations.

MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTS were hidden under the guise of 'national security'

but one wonders ~ WHOSE SECURITY? There has not been any serious investigation

of the highly illegal activity of both the CIA & FBI since 1977, according to

this author. Congress simply lives in fear of what now has been called the

"Invisible Government." Ross calls this 'The Brotherhood of the Bell' which

is a description the author uses from a 1960s movie of the same name. (BELL

CORP. made the first flying saucer called "The Bell" because it was shaped like

a bell. The author simply calls it B.O.B. for short.

Ross states that the International Bankers [[first organized edffectively by

the Rothschilds of Europe]] and the ancient esoteric secret societies, with

its "octopus of international agencies" controlled the entire earth, even


WW I & WW II. In fact, as a "few cliques decided to go into business for

themselves & break away from the monopoly system, we would have a world

war."(p.344) As Ross emphasizes, if you mess with the super bankers, you

(any clique) are going to have a real problem on your hands.

THE BRAVE NEW WORLD: With advanced technology, including computers, robots &

artificial intelligence, bio-electronics & cloning, they all contributed to

the elimination of 'useless eaters', [[that is ~ YOU & ME!!!]] The author

cites "The Report from Iron Mountain," where these secret meetings in these

matters began as early as 1960; [[the New World Order general official

preparations began in & around 1773 with Adam Weishaupt and company, making

this latest event merely another STAGE.]]


1) Many people [[ranges up to 80% depending on who is doing the figuring]]

2) Democracy [[which was only a delusional dream to begin with, used as a


3) Culture


A One World Government-New World Order, [[or words used by the older Bush in

1990 at the United Nations on September 11th ~ to punctuate the point!!!]]

B.O.B.'s old manatra was National Security. (They use public euphemisms like

"To save the children" or "To save Nature!" The supreme irony is that 'The

Brotherhood of the Bell' is destroying more nature "with its top secret

projects like the nuclear bomb, chemical & biological warfare &

H.A.A.R.P....then we, the 'useless eaters' could ever imagine doing. (p.345)


After the fall of the Berlin Wall, The Black Operations of the East meerged

with the Black Operations of the West. The 'think tanks' now include the

Soviets & Red Chinese. This new 'family' will all colaborate in scheming

collusion "in order to execute their 'cleansing or killing field' immoral

programs. [[One thinks immediately of an extension of the killing fields of

Cambodia, but this envisions the whole world as its theatre; NICE! The target

~ you guessed it: USELESS EATERS!]]

Who is orchestrating the above geo-political bases? This author strongly

suggests that it is the "Super Power Elite". This is a cabal of

inter-dimensional society who are honered with blood & sacrifice as they

always have been, and whose lord is LUCIFER, or the Dark Forces, and he "must

be appeased." (p.345) [[If this does not set up a spiritual warfare dynamic, I

do not know what would.]]

The Black Sciences (via 'Black Budget') produced the Manhattan Project (US

Army), the Stealth equipment & invisibility (US Navy), while the NSA

(Army-Navy-Nazi scientists & NASA). [[This is one big happy family, but not

everybody within these organizations knows it because of the phenomenon of

"COMPARTMENTALIZATION" which means, in effect, good men & women are allowing

evil to perpetrate itself upon other good men & women due to a lack of

knowledge; in the Old Testament, one of the prophets said that MY PEOPLE


PART OF THIS "FRUIT" was the blossoming of the Montauk Project where Nazi

occultists & scientists were used to communicate with & materialize

interdimensional beings. Other fruit involved inter-dimensional time travel

[[as hard as this may be to perceive-keep an open mind]] as well as eugenics &

cloning. (p.346) These projects are guarded by specially screened soldiers,

who themselves were born out of the BLACK OPERATIONS. [[If you see the movie,

"SOLDIER" with Kurt Russell, you may get an inkling of this phenomenon.]]


INSTANCE)...where the old ways & "old people" MUST BE ELIMINATED to make way

for the new [[WORLD ORDER.]] (p.346) The "old people" include Christians,

Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and...[[I guess anyone who thinks it is important to

be a loving & warm & kind & generous human being; what a horrible world many

of us are unwittingly buying into...due to IGNORANCE!!!]]

TOTAL CONTROL {{{A subject essay by Nicholas Jones}}}

Jones suggests that the execution of this mind control domination will be

effected by & through the H.A.A.R.P. program (i.e. The High-Fequence Active

Aurolal Research Program, of which Nick Begich & Jerry Smith have written

extensively about.) This system sends, in effect, focused radiation power to

heat up sections of the ionosphere, which bounce power down again. ELF waves

(mentioned before) from HAARP, when targeted on certain areas [people] ~ can

engineer weather & create mood changes, effecting millions of these same

unsuspecting people.


Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) transmitters, placed 200 miles apart,

across the United States, allow specific frequencies to be tailored to

geomangnetic-field strengh in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be

altered. So what?

Well, to make a long story short, the USA is being bathed in the magnetic

field which rises up to 500 feet, and descending down to basements, so

everyone is [potentially] subject to mind control. According to this author,

it "is easier to mind control & hypnotize people who are bathed in an

artificial electromagnetic wave. (p.388)

The system works in conjunction with HAARP & the Russian woodpecker

transmitter, a system similar to HAARP. [[If you remember from the previous

essay, the Russians conjoined fully with the U.S. after the fall of the Berlin

Wall ~ which I phrase as ~ THE TURNING OF THE SCREW!]]

The 'fun' started when GWEN towers positioned along the area north of the

Missouri & Mississippi Rivers and were turned on for 40 days & 40 nights, probably

mocking the Flood of Genesis. (p.389) This was done in conjunction with

HAARP. The subsequent damning of the vapor rivers created a river of

electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar

ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream. The two major rivers flooded in 1993,

causing agricultuaral loses of $12-15 billion. [[Nice weapon with no enemy

suspected, so accomplished with impunity.]]


These insidious towers (GWEN & HAARP) can also "do a number" on your emotional

state. Thanks to people like Dr. Andrija Puharich [[who incidentally promoted

the fame of Uri Geller,]] who had studied brain waves in the 50s & 60s,

observed that our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology that sends

out ELF waves.


Puharich found that we "feel good" at 7.83 Hz (Earth's pulse rate) ~ but at

10.80 Hz, it causes riotous behavior, whereas 6.6 Hz causes depression. The

Russians got wind of these things (since at first they were rejected by the US

GOVT.,) AND BY JULY 4, 1976, the Russians began zapping the U.S. Embassy in

Moscow with electromagnetic waves, focusing on [[YOU GUESSED IT!]] 10 Hz.

BOTH THE RUSSIANS & NORTH KOREANS use this magic formula to extract

confessions; since it is a form of hypnotism, according to Nicholas Jones,

some American churches use it to make the congregation believe. (p.390)

[[Interestingly enough, I remember Jordan Maxwell once giving a lecture where

he discussed the origin of the word 'church' as a Scotish word, 'kirk' which

means to hypnotize. For those who go to church, it may be advisable to bring

your ELF detector with you, just to make sure YOUR church is on the level ~

with both you & God.]]

In Mexico, Puharich was "induced" to work for the CIA, subsequently performing

painful experiments on animals (such as deliberately destroying the eardrums

of monkeys) for the purpose of picking up sounds without the eardrums intact.

[[I wish to make a KARMIC observation at this point: Puharich may have set the

seeds for his future lifetime personal abduction by a different species for

purposes that may appear very painful to the recipient.]]

Through these 'scientific' experiments, he discovered a nerve from the tongue

that could be used to facilitate hearing. He also created the tooth implant

that mind control victims are "now claiming was put in by their dentist,

unbeknownst to them, and causing them to hear 'voices in their head.' These

were placed under caps or lodged in the jar. (p.390) [[This is a serious

allegation, yet I recall reading in the New World Order literature about

actual dental schools where these procedures were being implimented; those who

did not acquiesce to these hideous procedures ~ were 'OUT!']]

According to Jones, implants are now smaller than a hair's width and are

injected with VACCINE & FLU SHOTS. [[This is very scary, if true. Not only is

there evidence that vaccines are not safe to begin with, i.e. containing

cancer-causing poisons [[cf. website

and go to the web page, "ARE VACCINES SAFE?" ~ as well as the mounting

evidence that smallpox vaccines were used to give AIDS to the unsuspecting

recipients in Africa during the late 1970s, as per the DR. ROBERT STREKER

REPORT.]] but now we have to collectively worry about being slipped a 'mind

control micky!' [[Apparently, some part of our shadow govt. is 'anti-freedom'

which translates into being PURE EVIL!!!]]

These 'bio-chips' circulate in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain,

enabling the victims to hear 'voices' via the implant. The author even

suggests that it is estimated that one in forty people are recipients of these

tiny implants due to alien abductions; however, a good portion of these may be

"the fake alien abdunctions" ~ these revealed by many victims, and are

actually engineered by the U.S. military, using advanced technology to create

holograms (4th dimensional pictures) or holographic spaceships outside. In

fact, an abductee subjected to this may have been subjected to a "masquerade"

where they (the aliens) are actually military personnel outfitted in full

costumes & masks. (p.391) [[An excellent website that explores this concept

of MILAB (military abductions) can be found on Eve Lorgen's site,

(THE LOVE BITE)...and she will be featured in PART TWO of this critcal

analysis under SPIRITUAL LIBERATION; another authority on the subject of MILAB

is Dr. Helmut Lammer, who can be easily found by doing a google engine search.

His information dovetails with the information being presented by Nicholas


Jones is quick to add that real (alien) abductions DO OCCUR, but are used as a

"cover" to hide the sinister agenda of the New World Order boys. [[Certain

key UFO books like LOST WAS THE KEY by Leah Haley put its finger on this

military deception. Obviously, for those who can discern these things, we

have a real problem on our hands, and the combating of these evil things may ~

of necessity ~ bring us to a higher level of resistance against the enemies

that are arrayed against us. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.]]

What's really frightening is the realization that the diseases spawned by ELF

waves cary a 'disease signature' that can be copied and relayed by harmonics &

sub-harmonics, which in turn makes them even more lethal & infectious - as in

"induced death." (p.391)


ASPERTAME NUTRI-SWEET. All of these insidious agents help to bring about an

apathetic state in its intended victim ~ [[perhaps for the very purpose of NOT

RESISTING the 'New Order' being thrusted in our collective faces, not to free

us or make our lives more convenient, but to enslave us, bringing MISERY ~


The author cites the Russian experiments that can remotely track someone in

public & he considers this a "horrifically frightening thought." (p.394)

Becasue our brains are like liquid crystals in response to the magnetic

components of the earth, we are indeed a type of bio-cosmic transducer. [[The

true evil-doers of this planet wish to harvest this phenomenon for their own

selfish purposes. The only question now is: WILL WE COLLECTIVELY ALLOW IT TO



Now that you may have a better glimpse of the hideous position we have

potentially been placed in on this darkened 3rd dimensional orb, it may be an

approriate time to begin to reevaluate the best means of resisting THE BEAST ~

unless you wish to have your children & grandchildren become nothing but

FUNCTIONAL ROBOTS for their lords & masters?!? Good! Let's proceed with some

enlightening ideas from spiritual freedom fighters that this book's author,

Angelico Tapestra, has chosen from the myriad of writers out there.


[[I personally know Eve as being one who has taken the baton first raised in

the alien abduction phenomenon by KARLA TURNER, author of MASQUERADE OF

ANGELS. In her own book, THE LOVE BITE, Eve unmasks some of the masquerades

Turner had alluded to, and focuses on the spiritual energies who have

negatively impacted on humanity, also reflected in her own website, cited

above. The following are comments about one of her essays in this present


Eve's first essay is also called THE LOVE BITE. She cites (echoing Nicholas

Jones' essay just reviewed,) that there are indeed MILAB abductees, who have

themselves observed "alien Greys, reptilain and human military & medical

personnel working in tandem with one another." (p.231)

She addresses Karla Turner as a truth-seeker who "died prematurely" because of

an abduction-related reprisal for her boldness in speaking the truth.

According to Eve, Turner is only one of many "whistleblowers" who wind up

dead, ostracized or discredited publicly one way or another.


Eve shared a support group for abductees shortly after Turner's death (Jan 9,

1996) and with the "less manipulated" ones, who were more aware, psychic &

spiritually strong, provided Eve with a degree of useful information that

helped her write her spritual warrior-like book, THE LOVE BITE. Eve notes that

it is this very "warfare-conditions" that keep the average individual &

researcher unaware & distracted. She also considers those people who complain

about the lack of evidence or "publicly discredit those who are discovering

these dark dirty secrets are manipulataed muppets who have no good works to

show for themselves." (p.231) [[If one just reviews the information given

above by authors William Ross & Nicholas Jones, who could ostensibly argue

with Eve's concern ~ except perhaps a ROBOTIC MUPPET?!?]]

EVE LORGEN gives a litany of characteristics, signs & symptoms of an alien

bonding set up; cf. Tapestra's text, pgs. 232-234 or read THE LOVE BITE for

details. I found that the reasons BEHIND the love bite relationships -

fascinating & disturbing:

1) Geneitc bloodlines (used by both aliens & military intelligence (a function

of the Illuminati)

2) Emotional 'soul harvesting': some of this revolves around sexual energy

which, according to Eve, "can be used in Montauk-type experiments for time

travel & psi amplifications or materializations." (p.234)

3) Amplification of paranormal abilities: These are the "fruits" of the MILAB

& MONARCH programs [[all part of the web of MKULTRA]] that can be actually

used to "soul bond & sexually bond a pair." (p.234) According to Eve, this

also enhances their telepathic ability, and because of the "manufactured" love

factor, will even cause the mind controlled victims to wish to die for one

another. [[To my mind, this is the sickest & slickest part of the NWO's

attempt to control their robotic human slaves; thank God we have people like

Brice Taylor who successfully broke through & exposed this evil; cf. Taylor's


4) Distraction & neutralization of troublesome abductees, or researchers:

These would be MILAB operatives who are deliberately sent to divide support

groups (like Eve's) and "creating unnecessary enmity between abductees and

researchers. [[Have you ever noticed how even ufologists can never seem to

agree or focus on the most important aspects of teh UFO enigma ~ the very

aspects that are being addressed in this IMPORTANT ESSAY within THIS IMPORTANT

BOOK! Eve Lorgen has put her finger on just why.]]

Eve further relates that when she tries to broach these subjects amongst the

UFO abductee population via various Internet list groups or support groups

held by the less informed group facilitators, miliatry abductions are not even

allowed to be spoken of. [[WHY NOT? This is the same mindset that has infected

the major media about any real truth that might "WAKE UP" the population to

the TOTAL REALITY aspects of things.]] Eve calls attempts like this ~

'muppetization' [[which can only be an attempt by those nefarious black shadow

people to keep the secrets - SECRET!]] (p.235)


"True Love will not try to control & manipulate. True Love will support

freedom from the bonds of ignorance, and encourage individual sovereignty.

True Love will empower an individual and work in unselfish ways to promote

freedom for others. Most importantly, True Love is discerning, confident,

unselfish, humble, perservering & deeply compassionate for the suffering of

others...At first, we will become disturbed. [[cf. the opening lines of The

Gospel of Thomas]] But if our love outweighs our arrogance & ignorance, we can

have a chance for true love & freedom." (p.236)

[[I can only add to this great series of statements the words of Jesus, who

said, " their fruits you shall know them." As you gain spiritual

discipline, so comes spiritual discernment. Then you will see the "fruits" of

the real perpetrators of humanity, and you will be empowered to do everything

you can to diminish their kingdom ~ as the Kingdom of God slowly but surely

overshadows the ignorant & pitiful kingdom of man.]]


Branton started his series of essays by documenting the many martyrs for the

truth about the UFO & ALIEN ABDUCTION phenomenon (including the MILAB

intigue). Many of these stories have been documented before (like Phil

Schneider & Jim Keith), but they are important since it is all part of the

tapistry of the UFO enigma. [[If you wish to peruse these martyrs, go to his

essay, 'MARTYRS OF THE UNDERGROUND RESISTNCE - starting on page 173 of Volume


Yet it is his second essay - 'THOSE REALLY STRANGE & UGLY CREATURES...' where

we get another glimpse of what Eve Lorge alluded to in her book, THE LOVE

BITE. Branton strongly suggests on page 180-181, that the Serpent People

successfully posed as gods (demanding human sacrifice,) where the human race

would supply the pawns. Human beings were largely free of direct control.

Each individual had to consciously commit himself to one of the opposing

forces. [[This is an intimation that the phenomenon is of a spiritaul element,

me thinks.]] This revolved around the human soul. Once an individual had

commited himself, he opened a door so that an indefinable something could

actually enter his body and exercise some control over his subconscious mind.

[[In a highly spiritual tractate called, 'The Sentences of Sextus,' found

within THE NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY, it states in no uncertain terms the following:

"Unclean demons do lay claim to a polluted soul; a faithful & good soul evil

demons will not be able to hinder in the way of God." (Sayings 348-349) I

intuitively felt that this was a powerful statement as it relates to the alien

abduction phenomenon, and may explain - at least a part of what we see in the

suggested data. Of course, this is a vivid echoing of the urgings of St. Peter

in the New TEstament: The devil goes about like a roaring lion to devour


As Branton reflects: "The Serpent People or Omega Group, attacked man in

various ways, trying to rid the planet of him, but the 'Super Intelligence'

was still able to look over man. God worked out new ways of communication and

control, always in conflict with the Serpent People." (p.181) [[Brandon gives

a number of examples in this essay of modern-day reptilian-like encounters of

the most uncomfortable kind; indeed, even the movie, 'CREATURE FROM THE BLACK

LAGOON' is more truth than fiction, if we can believe the subsequent witnesses

of just such a creature.]]

One quote worth citing comes from Branton's 3rd essay: 'WHAT'S GOING ON NEAR DULCE, NEW

MEXICO?' On page 199, he makes the following series of remarks:

"Many of 'us' who have continued the battle have sacrificed our comfort, our social & economic welfare, and in

some cases even our very lives to fight the Enigma. Why? because we have caught a brief glimpse of the

potential threat that 'the enemy within' poses to the future of Liberty in this great independent nation of


"What you will see throughout these pages is the collective results of our efforts and - I'm not ashamed to say -

the results of more than a little Divine Intervention as well. Many of us, such as yours truly, have been

victimized by the enigma for the greater part of our lives, and have decided that the only way to be 'free' from

its grasp is to practice the old military rule: 'The best defense is a good offense.' " [[One way to create this

good offense is to meditate on the 114 sayings in 'The Gospel of Thomas.' If you have any difficulty piercing its

wisdom, pick up the annotated book by Robert Winterhalter, THE FIFTH GOSPEL.]]

THIRD UP! THERESA DEVETO in a startling interview!

DeVeto had a most intriguing conversation with both Michael & Stephanie Relfe, of which space does not

permit a full rendition tereof; I recommend seeing this whole interview which starts on page 427 of Tapestra's

text. Below are just some comments & observations of the interview, as they are germane to this present


In one dramatic section, Stephanie related to Theresa how her husband Michael prayed for Stephanie since the

Illuminati had given her a severe pain in her right breast (via a hard lump.) This was her "penalty" for not

cooperating with them. Michael asked in the name of Jesus to break every one of their curses, spells & psychic

prayers put upon Stephanie by ANY governmental group, including witches, satanists or masonic group. This

also included reptilain, greys or insect alien group....IMMEDIATELY pain appeared in Michael's breast...but

then went away, and the lump in Stephanie's breast was 50% smaller; the lump was TOTALLY GONE within

40 hours! Michael's assessment of all of this: GOD'S POWER IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYTHING


[[Ann Druffle, a hypnotherapist, writing in FATE Magazine in November of 1993, ('TECHNIQUES FOR

RESISTING ALIEN ABDUCTIONS') zeroes in on the same type of Divine Intervention' as it related to alien

abductees calling upon a higher power to release them of their captors; so the recounting by Stephanie &

Michael Relfe is by no means unique in God's dealing with the negative energies. THE MOST IMPORTANT

THING?~~~TO CALL TO HIM (regardless of the name you call on) AND MEAN IT!]]

Later on on page 437, Michael, in referring to the immense technology of those in the "Black" projects and

there ability to abduct him for medical reasons, said, "No one is safe. Trust no one but God Almighty and the

Lord, Jesus Christ. Everyone else, get deliverance." [[these same words were reflected in another NAG

HAMMADI tractate, 'the Teachings of Silvanus,' where Silvanus said, "My son, do not have anyone as a

friend. But if you do acquire one, do not entrust yourself to him. Entrust yourself to God alone as father and as

friend...Be pleasing to God, and you will not need anyone."



starting on page 571, O'Clery starts off with what I consider a spiritual truism: One cannot influence a plane

higher than one's state of mind control. [[If this were not true, then the two sayings in 'The Sentences of Sextus'

(quoted above) would have been false! Since this is a truism, by keeping one's self in the highest vibartion, low

level negative energies cannot bother you; even if you falter through weakness, the sincere calling upon a higher

power may be enough to rescue you. THIS IS YOUR JOB IN YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: to attain the

highest vibration possible ~~ therefore becoming one with the Father, if possible. One good example of this

would be Paramahansa Yogananda, who only died (with body immutable) in 1952. It can be done; just keep

your eye on the donut, and not the hole.]]

O'Clery enumeartes the seven astral planes, where the lower four could be described as "hell realms" occupied

by un-evolved humans, as well as animals & non-humans. If you have unresolved hatred & desires, you will go

here to learn that you CANNOT SATISFY THOSE DESIRES ~ and so you learn from this frustrating

experience.. [[I believe this is what certain visionaries "saw" like Emanuel Swedenborg (Swedenberg) who may

have mistaken it for ETERNAL DAMNATION, when according to the law of reincarnation, all experinces are

needed for one to finally mature. {{{Swedenberg did not believe in reincarnation, so he naturally incorporated

his visions with his concepts of religion.}}}

Even in THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST, desperate souls like the

"evil spirit" is told by Jesus that even he could make it back to the Father,

though his journey would be long and hard. Many verses of the Old & New Testament imply and infer

this sacred concept of REINCARNATION ~ if you have eyes to see it; cf.

'REINCARBNATION: A Christian Reflection Upon' located at my website: BULLdog

TAKE tooooo:


O'Clery also describes three higher planes of the astarl which are commonly

called 'heaven', and are more pleasnat & happy. All these beings have a

recognizable form, created by their own thoughts. [[Again, this description

fits in very well with how George Anderson describes these affairs, although

George uses terminology as "upper & lower 4th & 5th dimensions"...which is

reflected in his book, WE DON'T DIE.

According to O'Clery, above all these astral and mental planes is

'CONSCIOUSNESS' Itself or 'Immanent God' or 'the Goddess'. Above that is the

inexplicable 'TRANSCENDENT'. [[In THE NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY, the highest is

referred to as 'Formless' or 'The Eternal Unbegotten'.]]

In the ancient wisdom [of which Paramahansa spoke to] 'God' projects a

creation, an appearance, with which it is not involved...much like a dream,

the author speculates. [[There are many other philosophical speculations that

go beyond the scope of this selective critique, so if so inclined, ruminate

over pages 572-573.]]

What IS germane to this essay is the lack of a desire for spirituality for

those who are in the lower planes; rather, they strive for egoistic dominance

& power over others [[somewhat akin to the Brezezinskis & the Kissingers of

the NWO.]] These are the beings that become demonic, like Hitler & Stalin.

Many can shape-shift & bi-locate. (The author goes into a lengthy discussion

as to the yogi's ability to do this; however, thsoe that can only shift

between planes (as distingusihed from yogis,) are still only operating at the

lower mind level. [[Again, for a fuller digestion of these things, it would be

better to refer to pages 574-575.]]

One concept that O'Clery touches upon [[and one which I had seen in Edgar

Cayce material]] has to do with the 'Clear Light'. When one dies that entity

immediatley 'checks in' with the 'Clear Light' of consciousness. If one is

able to recognize this, then one merges and becomes [spiritually] liberated.

Unfortunately, most have KARMA that drags them down & they awake on the border

plane ~~ just above the material plane. They stay there (at its appropriate

level of consciousness) until it's time to ~~NOT AGAIN! ~~ REINCARNATE ~~

until eventaully they can recognize the 'Clear Light'.

INTERESTING NOTE: Tony O'Clery makes a startling observation from the Hindu

Puranas. It was said that eons ago, the Emperor Hiranyakasipu was considered

a great scientist because he overcame the knowledge of all matter and could

manipulate matter completely (UNIFIED FIELD THEORY of EINSTEIN?) This

knowledge was so great he could send ships to THE STARS! (The time frame is

roughly 2 million years ago.) [[Obviously if this is based on truth, it would

asnwer many a question about our real roots ~ not to mention the many enigmas

currently extant on this orb; cf. THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE by

Michael Cremo & Richard Thompson for some suggested data that would support

the above contention.]]

In the last section, O'Clery mentions that he had spent years studying

mysticism & philosophy, and after many a journey, he realized that there is

only one true teacher: that found 'within'. [[Is it any wonder that a

carpenter named Jesus said two thousand years ago that the kingdom of God is

within us?]]

This Volume One ends with a description of the Cosmic Laws, of which there are

about 18. I wish to end this critique by simply focusing on one of them:

THE LAW OF TOLERANCE:(as quoted from page 580)

"...which recognizes the divinity in others even when covered by their masks

and armor of demonic imagery and activities, or hidden behind the walls of

apparent ingorance, sleep, and stupidity; or residing in the bowels of lust,

greed, and power.

The Law of Tolerance is the law whcih allows one to speak through these walls

and barriers to the divine God-Cell which lies buried behind these outer

layers, and awaits liberation from the deep confines and imprisonment at the

center of the self. This Awareness suggests you are all gods, and must in

time learn to speak to each other as though you were addressing gods."

[[If we pray hard enough for the ignorant souls who do not tolerate their fellow

man, and then, of a sudden ~~ they awake from their own misbegotten dream, and

instead of pursuing mind control, they turn & mind the concerns of their

fellow man, then suddenly, the Kingdom of God will be upon - even them!

The greatest powers you have are the powers to forgive & pray. These two

conjoin into the path of SPIRITUAL LIBERATION, where by helping others and

being concerned for the welfare of others, SOMEONE UP THERE will be more than

concerned about helping us!]]

POSTSCRIPT: Other selections from THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION have appeared on the

following website:  

Then go to the following web pages:

1) CHEMTRAILS vs. CONTRAILS with commentary on this interesting article by

John Colaw.



SPECIAL NOTE: There will be an update to #3 above, with a caveat about Sean D.

Morton appearing at the beginning of the critique; this updated version will

appear on the continuation site: ONGOING SOJOURN: From Truth to Freedom

If you have any problem with the personalitites in ufology, you may wish to

check out an interesting website called, www.UFOWATCHDOG.COM  


I can hardly wait to get Volume Two of THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION. HOW ABOUT YOU?

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