THE ONGOING SOJOURN: From Truth To Freedom


MIND CONTROL vs. SPIRITUAL LIBERATION | UPDATE: Area 51: The turning of the Screwed | The Non-believers vs. the Knowers | STEP TWO: Jesus and The Aquarian Gospel | Magic bullets? Snake Oil? and Fraud! | MINERALS vs. DISEASE | DEATH by DOCTORING | TOP SHELF VIDEOS | NATIONAL ID CARDS?!? | DISTURBING DISCLOSURES | The BIBLE: Linear or Cyclic?!? | SYNCHRONICITY: A Perspective | POEM of FREEDOM | UNMASKING the CHEMTRAILS: AN OVERVIEW | SHELL GAMES & HIDDEN $$$~~YOURS!!!


[This COULD HAVE BEEN a quote from Robert Barefoot, scientist, who endorses coral calcium as the way to ward off disease, if taken properly. After listening to this man expound on his theory (which he backs up through scientific facts...and even quotes from the NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE,) one gets the feeling that he knows what he is talking about...and may be leading us barefoot down the naked road of a truth.


The Calcium Factor : The Scientific Secret of

Health and Youth

by Robert Barefoot and Dr. Carl Reich, MD

In The Calcium Factor Robert Barefoot, a renowned chemist, presents a powerful argument on

the relationship between nutrition and disease.

Beginning upon a foundation of Nobel Prize winning medical research, Robert Barefoot adds over

30 years of his personal findings and interpretation as a chemist into the alkaline theory of

cellular pH and disease. Mr. Barefoot demonstrates substantial proof of the wide ranging health

benefits of alkalizing the body with coral calcium. The Calcium Factor is thought provoking with a

powerful message about your personal health and well being!

Most Americans are calcium deficient and must supplement their diet with calcium for optimum

health. However, almost all calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate or calcium lactate

from milk are completely inefficient sources of calcium. The problem is bioavailability and

absorption of the calcium - all but 5% ends up as waste! Mr. Barefoot's ultimate finding - coral

calcium - an ionic source of calcium that provides the body with upwards of 95% to 100%

absorption! With coral calcium you can finally supplement your diet and achieve the US

Recommended Daily Allowance of calcium!


GO TO "" >



[The information in the below selective summary is taken from the book,

THE CALCIUM FACTOR, by Dr. Carl Reich & chemist, Robert Barefoot, published by
Triad Marketing, 2000. {{{CAVEAT: Please keep in mind the reference above,
since this web page is not an absolute endorsement of the product-'coral
calcium' - but rather a general look at what causes cancer, and what provides
the atmosphere for eliminating cancer from taking hold in the body-as
referenced in this book. It is important to explore all possible sources of
information before deciding on ANY specific course of homeopathic health
alternatives to traditional medicine.}}} ]

won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery that cancer was
anerobic...that is, it occurs in the absence of free oxygen. [[Please not,
that on our original website (see home page, several web pages dealt with the
extreme need for oxygen to maintain good health: reference the pages of Dr.
Lorraine Day, Howard Lyman, (THE MAD COWBOY,) and especially Ed McCabe, world
authority on OXYGEN THERAPY; therefore it is not surprising that Warburg
discovered this fact!]] The result of this discovery means simply that
whatever causes the lack of oxygen is also responsible for causing all


The chapter goes on to state that BLOOD must remain at a ph of 7.4 to retain
oxygen. When there is insufficient minerals (calcium) in the body, the body is
forced to rob Peter (other body fluids) to pay Paul (the blood) so the ph
remains at 7.4. What follows is ~ the de-mineralized fluids & organs become
acidic, and therefore anerobic, thus inducing not only cancer, but a host of
other degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, diabeites, arthritis,
lupus, etc. (p. 137)

According to this book, the body requires about 800 mg. of calcium, but since
the body only manufactures about half of this, how many milligrams have to be
absorbed to account for the other 400 or so?

A SUMMARY OF THE BOTTOM LINE: Robert Barefoot noticed that the peoples who
lived on high mountains, as well as the Okinawans of Japn (see level) did not
suffer from diseases of the heart nor cancer, unless or until they were
forced to eat the white man's diet as the Eskimo people were. Barefoot also
noticed that sunshine created a natural condition of good health (from one to
two hours per day, if possible).(PREFACE)

OTHER NOTATIONS: Calcium is the only element that can produce the curucial
buffered ph of 7.4 required to DNA synthesis. (p.42)

PHOSPHOROUS (in excess) may be caused by the over-consumption of red meat,
which has 30 parts of phosphorous for every part of calcium, which then causes
the calcium to PRECIPITATE OUT in the form of apatite, which passes through
the body UNABSORBED. Eventually, there is a tapping of calcium from the bones
(leading to brittle bones) which is another part of the "robbing of Peter to
pay Paul" syndrome. (pgs. 54-55) [[Again, this may be part of the reason why
THE MAD COWBOY, Howard Lyman-discussed on the previous website- no longer eats
red meat, and has become a vegtetarian; this does not even address the issue
of the harmful things that have been used to create this red meat to begin

TIDBIT: (from p. 57) When you eat a cheezeburger, the very cheeze contains
aluminum (added to give the cheeze better flow properties,) has been linked
to Alzheimer's diease.} [Although it does not mention it in the book, since
the book centers around calcium, aluminum has a tendency to stick to and thus
interfere with neuron transmissions>hence- "a sticky brain!?!" This then
makes eating a cheezeburger a DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!]

IN CHAPTER EIGHT, I CITE THE FOLLOWING: " the healthy, calcium buffered,
slightly alkaline cell environment, THE CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR THE
PROPAGATION OF CANCER DO NOT EXIST." [[If this is true, then the medical
profession is being totally disingenuous with its patients throughout the
land, in fact, a seeming MEDICAL CONSPIRACY to recognize the root of cancer
and how easily it may be to dispose of it WITHOUT RESORTING TO DRUGS LIKE
CHEMOTHERAPY; cf. the previous website, and click onto the web page by Eutace
Mullins for more on this part of the medical conspiracy, which may have more
to do with greed than curing patints!!!]] Dr. Reich found that cancer in many
of his patients seemed to go into remission once their calcium deficiency was
rectified. (p.67)

ANOTHER TIDBIT: Polyunstaurated fats (found in vegetable & corn oil) have been
known to increase breast cancer by 69% if women eat 5 grams of this per day.
(P. 71) THE ANSWER: either canola or olive oil! (monounsaturated fats)

CALCIUM & HEART DISEASE: From chapter nine (p. 73) I quote again:

"Since the general health of the cell is regulated by calcium, any deficiency
in calcium causes the cell function to become deregulated and thereby prone to
deteriorate. In the heart and arteries this deterioration results in a chain
sequence of events that has come to be known as heart disease." FURTHER IN
THE CHAPTER, it proves by logic that cholesterol is NOT THE CAUSE of plaque
buildup , and therefore, the doctors advice that the elderly reduce their
cholesterol levels is "ILL-ADVISED." (p. 75) [[Barefoot mentions in a taped
show that the cholesterol is acting as a buffer to protect the heart from
bursting, therefore a symptom of a lack of the proper oxygen - hence a symptom
of a lack of the necessary calcium needed to protect the heart; although I am
not a doctor, based on the other information about cancer & heart disease,
this seems like a fair statement.]]

POSTSCRIPT: Despite the fact that this book may be an advertisement for a
certain type of calcium, i.e. "coral calcium" ~ I do believe that the
information is generally good and worth ruminating about as it related to
sensible eating and mineral intake as the FIRST LEVEL OF FIGHTING DISEASE;
contrariwise, the present-day medical establishment uses PRESCRIBED DRUGS as
the first level of the body's defense against disease; as Dr. Larraine is on the record as saying: I REFUSE CHEMOTHERAPY (on her deathbed, no less)...but rather, I will take my chances with homeopathic remedies. Today she is healthy and over the age of 60 ~ and remarkably young looking for her age! she beat cancer, and is ready-willing- & able to tell others how she did it! Check out her website by doing a GOOGLE search of her name.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: The author(s) of this book seem to have little problem
recommending the drinking of large quantities of milk, even as an adult.
This website (as was indicated on the original "FROM TRUTH TO FREEDOM" had
recommended going to Robert Cohen's site, WWW.NOTMILK.COM as being worthy of
investigation when it comes to the suspect nature of contaminents in milk! Frankly, there are better choices for getting the needed calcium into the body.

There are many other issues which are addressed in this book, but I believe I
have given you enough information that will lend itself for further research
in this area. REMEMBER, any good calcium suppliment should be taken with the proper amount of magnesium also.

byron lebeau reporting

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