Dale Graff
Synchronicities have been a major awareness of mine, and I try to be alert to their occurrences. Some people think synchronicities are misunderstood chance events. Some of them probably are. Others think they are a response to patterns that are somehow imbedded in the universe; some see them as evidence of a psi (i.e., ESP, telepathy) aspect of our nature.
My leanings are toward the psi hypothesis, at least for many of them. They occur when we have concerns or needs, and when our paths can be nudged, subconsciously, toward the right place or person for assistance. These events alert us to our subconscious connectivity with others. They may also be calling our attention to some pattern or unifying principle (archetype, trend toward unity and integration, holistic awareness, etc.). That sense of connectivity to something greater than ourselves can be inspiring and of value as long as we keep a balanced perspective.
Some synchronistic events may result from our subliminal senses responding to a subconscious need of which we are only dimly aware. Others may occur due to psi scanning of our environment to detect underlying patterns, especially if they resonate with something relevant to our best interest. Anti-synchronicity also occurs. We may be subconsciously nudged away from an event that is harmful. For example, we many delay our travel or avoid a certain road, not knowing why, only to discover later that an accident occurred there around the time we would have been on it. This is speculation, but with the psi-hypothesis I can easily see how this could be possible.
In physics, the term synchronicity has a different sense and usually refers to something in synchronos that follows some law of attraction or repulsion. Non-linear events described by the mathematics of chaos theory have terms like attractor, the perceived root phenomenon for generating large stable forms or shapes.
There may be some overlap between the physical and psychological notions of synchronicity. Whatever, they both point toward some underlying principle that reveals patterns or connections and to something that can detect and respond to these patterns. I believe that synchronistic events of a personal nature tell us something about consciousness, our interaction with others and our environment, and how our psi potential helps us be in the right place at the right time.
I think some types of precognition are the sensing of what would become a synchronistic experience. Were it not for the advanced notice, via psi, of that emerging meaningful event, it would appear to just happen and we would label it as a synchronicity, as something out of the blue.
So when we are flexible, retain a spontaneous style, and are open to the possibility of linking with our subconscious psychic streams, then we can expect the helping hand that synchronicity can provide. We might be surprised, even amazed, at the startling intersection that synchronicity has brought, or nudged, our way.
FIND A WAY . . . .
. . . . . BY THE BAY
*** Dedicated to an integrated approach for inner exploration.
If you are interested in attending this course or would like further information about Baycliff PSI Seminars, please email Dale Graff.
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