There have been a number of ufologists who have ruminated about AREA 51, but Sean David Morton's father (G.T. Morton) was actually an experimental test pilot (like Chuck Yeager) at Groom Lake. Sean has learned a few things about this amazingly secret alien base, and it may be instructive to see what the son of the great father has to say, based on his own research. (Sean's full biography will be given at the end of this short essay, so you can judge for yourself WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE.
ACCORDING TO MORTON, 1984 was the key year when something dark loomed over the area. An organization took over that seemed to be higher than the military~higher than the U.S. government, and someone with total authority executive authority, and a bad attitude.
The United States government felt that SPACE had to be "tightly controlled"- i.e. not shared with commercial or the public domain. The Air Force, Navy and Army were each vying for its precious part of their own "peculiar secrets"; [cf. SOURCE at bottom for this reference.] In 1985, something happened [THE TURNING OF THE 'SCREWED] and suddenly, whoever the new player was in this poker game, took all the chips, and the others - BOWED OUT! The Defense Imstitite for Strategic Command Operations (DISCO) who was responsible for maintaining top-level security at all bases was simply dismissed. A new company was hired (Wackenhut Corp.) to replace the old federal Pinkerton contracts. [NOTE: WACKENHUT has been implimented in the plans for the New World Order; cf. Fritz Springmeier's "SATANIC BLOODLINES" website by doing a WWW.GOOGLE.COM engine search.] Morton emplasizes that this corporation comes on the scene right after "the legitimate military has been seemingly given the bum's rush. [Again, see SOURCE for reference.]
1985 was also the year things changed dramatically in the Groom Lake area as far as geography goes. This "non-existent" base was about to undergo a quamtum increase in size. [SEAN MORTON, by the way, was among the first, or the first, to EXPOSE this development. In 1985, he, himself, being burned-out by the fast-life in LA, went on a spiritual search (via the Dali Lama's school of Dharmsala,) and by 1989, was part of a team that ultra-sounded the DULCE ARCHELETA MESA, which proved that there was an underground base under the Mesa; later he brought this "non-existent" base to national prominence by climbing the mountain, overlooking AREA 51 base, to the extent that it had to be admitted to by officialdom.]
As you can see, it was imperative to keep "prying eyes" away from this secret area where other reseachers [like Norio Hayakawa, for instance,] was taking interesting videos of UFO-like craft leaving and entering the area. BACK TO OUR STORY-LINE: In 1985, AREA 51 applied for a full 89,000 acres of extra land-so that it would be more difficult for people like Morton to view what was coming in and out of the super-secret area.
THE SILENCE OF THE LAMB(s): By 1987, whoever [?] was in charge of this area, simply TOOK THE LAND! People were thrown out by gun-point and hikers were told to "take a hike!" In the Land of the "Free" and the Home of the Brave, a new regime was raising its UGLY head. WACKENHUT thugs were throwing people out - BUT BY WHOSE AUTHORITY?!?
Congressional hearings were held about this flagrant abuse of power. Senator Floyd Lamb & Congressman Harry Reid called the Commandant of Nellis (AF BASE) on the carpet to ask him what gave him the authority to simply confiscate 89,000 acres of land???
HE SAID, [and I quote] : "Congressman, we answer to a higher authority."
Congressman Reid, stunned, said: "And what authority is it that is higher than the United States Government?"
"Well Congressman, we'd be happy to answer that for you behind closed doors."
[WE MUST THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS EXCHANGE if there is any validity to this story, at all.]
THE RESULT: Lamb & Reid visited the area under strictly controlled tours of the base. They both were "praising" whatever was going on out there. THEN CAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE SILENCE OF THE LAMB(s)....
THE NEW FRONTIER: The area is now completely secure; pilots are not allowed to fly over the area. (They call it RED SQUARE.) The Air Force became completely out-of-the-loop as to what went on there, by being required to turn off their radar. [VERY BIZARRE INDEED, and the government still insists THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs!]
SOME OF THE PLAYERS: John Lear [who is extensively characterized in George Andrews' book, EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS & FOES,] now, in conjunction with the now-deceased William Cooper, elaborated upon a fantastic story about who controls what in the super-secret area. (According to Morton, Lear was considered the final authority (on the "inside") about these things. [This, of course, is what drives ufologists - NUTS! We must depent on what may be spin-controlled disinformation by a man who should not be talking to begin with; ditto-Cooper.]
{{A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT DISINFORMATION: Normally "good" disinformation has enough truth in it to convince most hardened skeptics (like 90%) but there is just enough misleading information to keep almost everybody not exactly on the right path but close enough for there to be plenty of doubt; END RESULT: CONFUSION AND FRUSTRATION FROM TEH TRUTH SEEKERS, and quiet befuddlement amongnst the unknowing and unsuspecting. Such may be the case with the likes of John Lear, William Cooper, and yet to be announced Bob Lazar. But you will see for yourself as Lear takes you down the rabbit hole of AREA 51]]
THE STORY-LINE: Lear claims that the agreement with the aliens was completed in 1964; [the below story comes from below SOURCE, but can also be found in several good UFO conspiracy books, the Andrews' book, mentioned above, chief among them.] The operation was called PROJECT SIGMA, and it was designed to have our pilots work on the hardware supplied by the extraterretrials, while other engineers (like Lazar) backengineer other crashed or retrieved saucers. (This place is not called DREAMLAND for nothing!)
BOB LAZAR FACTOR: Bob was intrigued by the Lear information, and after attending a lecture by the inventor of the H-BOMB, Dr. Edward Teller, somehow managed to ingratiate himself with him, which led to an interview to determine his "physics" comprehension and ability; he passed "with flying colors" and subsequently was assigned to AREA 51, specifically "S-4" subdivision, where he actually backengineered one of the nine types of alien craft that Bob referred to as the"Sports Model". [This itself was fitting because Lazar liked to work on making regular sports cars go FASTER!]
The Lazar story gets a bit murky since ufologist Stanton Friedman could not verify his educational background; there were other problems, some of Lazar's own doing ~ like buying into a brothel (of which he later regreted); however, there were also other things that more than balanced the scales in Lazar's favor: despite the fact that there was no official record of Lazar working for the military, (as in NO SUCH PERSON WAS HERE,) strangely, he was able to give details about how he got to his place of employ, (S-4)~there was a W-2 found in his name with the IRS~[[one of the few pluses I have ever seen about this nefarious agency,]] and his name popped up in a 1982 phone book of Los Alamos National Lab. ......Of course, to make somebody like Lazar disappear is a common "modus operandi" of the Black Operations. [[What surprises me is just how sloppy a job the "intelligence" people did.]]
WHY IS LAZAR SO IMPORTANT TO THIS STORY? Because through his interviews with George Knapp, as well as a private one-half hour video interview he gave, it shows beyond any doubt that he backengineered a type of UFO where the entity that controlled it had to be a midget - due to the extremely short seats. (He once explained this on a video peformance he gave on the backengineering of UFOs which I had viewed.) He also stated that he actually saw an alien, completely unhuman-like, working at the facility where he was asssigned. (see below for description) THEREFORE, details as was stated in the above paragraph may take on even more meaning.
SO WITH SO MANY RISKS, WHY WOULD LAZAR COME FORWARD? Firstly, let's here a quote from his own mouth: "There is no was we could have created those disks! There is no way we could have made the disks, the power supplies, anything that goes with it.">>>>>Lazar say that he agreed to the Knapp interviews, et al, because he feels, among other things, that whomever is running the show up a t S-4 is perpetrating a fraud on the American people [similar to the fraud the IRS has perpetrated on those same American people,] and the scientific community, not to mention the world. AND LET'S NEVER FORGET Watergate & Iran Contra & the diversion of the nuclear experiments in the 1950s on the poor people of Utah; there is much more that could be stated here, but I am sure the reader gets the possible BIGGER picture implications.
LAZAR SIDEBAR: He found a book while working at S-4 which he could read but not take out: It echoed the things that John Lear had been talking about months before, i.e. Aliens from Zeta Reticuli had been here from the beginning and had bio-engineered us to what we look like today; an ongoing process is continuing today toward some form of hybridizations. [If you read the book by David Jacobs, THE THREAT, you will see a fairly bleak picture that could be the end result of this process, if true.]
THE ALIEN LAZAR SAW: While working on a backengineered saucer at one of the secret hangers, from the far end of the hanger walked in an alien that was about four feet high. ALL WORK STOPPED AS THEY GAZED...and saw this being dressed in a bluish-black skin-tight body suit, that moved in a gangly disjointed way like a "discombobulated marionette".
"ARTICHOKE!" There is a strange story recounted in the below-cited SOURCE material where two strange men dressed in black trench coats ~ came up to Bob Lazar and one of the men pointed a finger at his chest and said the word "artichoke" and Bob has never quite been the same. He certainly does not go around elaborating on aliens & their secrets anymore....[[It may not have escaped the attention of the conspiracy buffs (researchers) that PROJECT ARTICHOKE was the name of the mind control secret project before it became known as MKULTRA, which itself was the Nazi code expression for mind control.]]
{{{This is as far as we can go at this juncture. Thank you for your attention, and if you wish to review many more details of this essay critique, please go to the book, THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION, Volume One, and the sections entitled:
PUTTING YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE....followed by AREA 51, by Sean David Morton; Morton's full biography is also presented at the end of the second section.}}}
byron lebeau reporting