I think one of the best sites for health & nutrition is www.garynull.com
www.notmilk.com is another great resourse for truth concerning the milk you drink. (I hope after visiting this site you will change your mind about putting this substance in your body.)
www.infowars.com is Alex Jones's site of truth about the New World Order and other well researched controversial topics, which may disturb you!
One of my favorite Byron links is the AQUARIAN DIALOGUES & SAYINGS, based on one of my favorite spritually-liberating books: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
This is Byron's second home website that has a link to six of his other websites; this particular website represents some very controversial ideas in many different areas, including UFOs~~the paranormal~~poetry~~as well as essays and links about highly spiritual matters.
This last website was Byron's idea for a change of pace, with lighter material ~~ that also included some very wise sayings from peoples of different cultures; a must look!
Another BULLdog is definitely Mike Ruppert, who has spent over 18 years ripping the mask off of the NWO by defying the powers that be with his inside int'l drug information about the world's biggest drug dealer: THE CIA! GO TO THE FOLLOWING LINK AT: