Here's another example of how this happened in the past. In a previous
>geologic era on Earth [the Paleozoic], the predominant species was this
>little crab called the Trilobite. They got blasted - you find in the
>fossil records that they were all killed. But what you don't see is that
>their group soul evolved into whatever the next stage of evolution was.
>The dinosaurs got blasted. Their souls turned into mammal souls. So
>nobody goes anywhere, nobody is actually extinguished. We can find the
>bodies and it looks cataclysmic, it looks horrible - but all they really
>do is just bump up another notch and start to inhabit different bodies.
>Soul graduation
>If you're very attached to your physical body, you might say, ''Well,
>what would I be without it?'' You might see this as traumatic, but in
>fact your experience could be looked at as Soul graduation.
>People are saying, ''I'm doing my spiritual growth. I'm doing my path.
>I'm walking in my truth. I'm trying to grow spiritually, I'm trying to
>evolve.'' Evolve to what? Grow to what? Are we just going to keep
>reincarnating over and over again as humans?
>Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human
>beings will blow up bombs, poison its waters, pollute its atmosphere,
>kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees?
>The Earth is not expected to go through this!
>The Earth is an evolving being, too. The difference with the Earth,
>unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it goes through a very
>premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits around
>the Sun, and as the Solar System orbits around the Galaxy, the
>extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know exactly when
>these changes are going to happen. That's why they're here now, because
>basically they're aware that this is going on, and are standing by to
>assist us. They're aware that, just as the vortex of energy has caused
>airplanes to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, when the Sun's energy
>bumps up another notch, matter on Earth will be transmuted. The Sun's
>energy can cause matter to just physically transmute.
>When transmutation occurs, creatures like animals and plants may appear
>to be dead, but what happens to the human body will actually be
>alchemical transmutation. So it's not as though there's going to be all
>these fried corpses lying around. When the energy hits you, you
>transform. Your body will actually transmute itself.
>There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain researchers
>have found that Jesus' body burned a complete three-dimensional image of
>itself into the cloth. And they found through experimentation that such
>a burn could only be caused by an instantaneous blast at a very high
>temperature, ''zapping'' the cloth like an X-ray film.
>When is the big change supposed to happen?
>The basic date for the ''shift'' corresponds to the end of the Mayan
>Calendar - December 2012.
>Ra makes the suggestion that the Mayan Calendar was given to the Mayans
>by high-level sixth-density extraterrestrials so that they would have a
>tool with which to time the passage of these cycles. It's a good thing
>to know how these cycles work, because they are tied in with history.
>The bottom line
>The only thing that matters is how much Love you are willing to share.
>It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to participate in
>the evolution that is happening here and now on our planet.
>The media is bent on creating a reality where our happiness is
>contingent on the acquisition of new products. We seek the best jobs and
>the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of ''consensus
>reality'' and ''winning the game.''
>Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may participate
>in the Utopian world that will manifest on Earth after this Ascension
>process has completed - a world without poverty, hunger or pain; a world
>where full-body levitation, spontaneous healings, instant telepathic
>communication, and abundant Love are the law of the land.
>This is the world that Jesus promised us in John 14:12, when he said,
>''As I do these things, so shall you do them, and greater things.''
>It comes back to question: What are you going to hold onto? You have to
>leave behind the physical life in order to participate in the Ascension.
>You have to be willing to move into a life that is spiritual. You have
>to be willing to give up the things that you once thought were important
>- your car, your material possessions, your earthly status, your earthly
>fame and power - because you're basically only going to take yourself.
>You can't bring anything with you. No money, no credit cards, no gold
>When you leave your body and move into these higher realms of
>consciousness, all those earthly things will be meaningless. When you
>get out of this world without these props, guess what? Your memory will
>be your sole companion.
>And then you will realize that the only thing that ever mattered was how
>much love you were willing to share while you were incarnated on Earth.