I had witnessed Bobby Lee interview Eustace Mullins about just how heinous the medical field really is by observing its roots via the analysis of Mr. Mullins. [Incidentally, Mullins also wrote the book that exposed the Federal Reserve System, and its evil economic effect upon the unsuspecting citizens of the united States of America, way back in 1913; the book: THE SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE.]
The author starts the interview with the notion that John D. Rockefeller, who was to eventaully control the American Merical Association (AMA) would NOT ALLOW a doctor to practice homeopahtic medicine (non-drug related therapy,) but rather - through the Carnegie Foundation, would control both physicians as well as the drugs they would be forced to administer as the only course of possible "cure."
Rockefeller was so powerful, and seeing the tremendous profit in the health field, made absolutely sure, according to Mullins, that he would control the drug companies, of which there were 18 large ones, and of which he succeeded in doing. )(Cancer treatments average about $120,000 per person, so it does not take a brain surgeon to figure out that that was a lot of milking of the money of the population: THE SICKER THEY REMAINED BEFORE DEATH, THE MORE MONEY HOSPITALS LIKE SLOAN-KETTERING could make!
If you think this is cynical, Eutace Mullins actually tracked the origins of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Hospital. The picture is not pretty. It started off in South Carolina with a Dr. Simms who had gained a reputation amongst the local populace as a SADIST! The people found out that he (Simms) had bought a slave girl for $500 so he could cut her up. After being run out of town, he went to New York. [Where else?] He started a women's hospital, but again, after continuing his sadistic ways, he was sponsored by Phellps-Dodge, and the hospital became known as Memorial Hospital, which in turn became Sloan-Kettering, with the backing of, guess who [?] JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER!!!
The rule of thumb was to use alipathic medicine principles, the chief culprit being chemotherapy (drug treatment.) This is the exact opposite of the homeopathic approach: to isolate the offending cells and starve them out. CHEMOTHERAPY kills everything in its path, including the precious immune system cells!?! Mullins cites Hubert Humphrey, the great Senator of Minnesota, who described having chemotherapy as like having a living hell before he finally died very painfully of his cancer.
Other forms of MURDER BY INJECTION included the addition of flouridation to the water system, a scheme that was perpetrated upon the American people by Alcoa Aluminum Trust in coordination with Chase Manhattan Bank ~ because flouride was a by-product of aluminum, and money could be made if they made up a lie about how good it was for the teeth of children, while they conveniently dumped it in the water supply!?! After a bribe to Senator Oscar Healey [sp] for over $750.000, Healey got very rich, while the general population got very poor, and are still suffering the effects of flouride in the water. [It is poison, you know!]
[These concepts must be eventually understood by Americans if Americans ever wish to beat things like cancer in their lifetime. Dr. Lorraine Day has echoed the sentiments of Mullins, especially about chemotherapy: She herself was a victim of cancer, and refused to allow chemotherapy "do her in" - for - as she explained on the web page devoted to her, she used homeopathic therapy, while on death's door, refusing the chemo - and now is 100% well again. This should tell anyone something about the dangers of drugs in treating the body when very ill; the immune system is what gets you well, and it can't get you well while you are destroying its armies - via chemotherapy! PERIOD!]
byron lebeau reporting