Who had the biggest job in the whole world during this age? Jesus! And what was his payment for doing such a magnificent job? Death by hanging! And where did he lay his head for lodging? Nowhere certain, for the foxes have their dens, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. How could somebody THINK SO BIG for his God, and get so little for it in return?
DON'T ANSWER THAT QUESTION...just listen for awhile, as I draw up plans for THINKING BIG...not for yourself, but for God!
Most normal kids grow-up with very BIG plans: plans to become this or that, famous - with plenty of money to get them through. They tend to center on their own satisfactions and the means to achieve them. The world is structured to do just that. It takes someone with a LARGER VISION to see something BIGGER ~~ to think - not about one's self - but one's self in relation to others.
You can build a magnificent temple without any money - the temple of the soul-spirit. After you have built such a great temple,(after much effort through the grace of God,) you can now afford to think bigger, and because of your own success, help build temples for others, as Jesus did ~~in a very BIG way~
To do this, you need not money - but faith ~~ faith in an all-powerful but loving God who will give you everything you need to accomplish your goal. There are never too many temples to help build, yet, there are never too few that would not be exceedingly pleasing to our Father-God. Each soul~spirit temple is precious in the eyes of God, reflecting His very own nature.
AND WHAT PAYMENT? It will not be in money, but in riches that no man can measure since it will be measured quite differently. BUT NO MAN with the right spirit would be concerned about any payment, since the labour is one of pure love to begin with, payment or no payment.
When we have the right attitude and disposition, we will build HOUSES WITHOUT WALLS for one and all. My friend once wrote a beautiful poem surrounding this idea. I present it now:
There is a house without walls
where dew's mist of morning falls
near orchard field hid in a wood
long hallowed hearth and mantle stood
still and silent veiled from sight
mid tangled vines and cloaks of night
until dancing on golden beams of day
a child's delight discovered at play
O, now this house 'tis happiest home
treasure's trove 'neath heaven's dome.
There is a house without walls,
and a silent voice that calls,
thru trees where birds make nest,
and the holes where foxes rest,
thru a rustling wind it whispers
or in laughter of brothers and sisters,
it rolls on white-capped waves at sea,
and stirs thru hearts with ecstasy,
its echo curls in shells of yore,
to tell of deeps beyond the shore,
and thru the waxing moon it beckons,
ripening orbs of hours and seconds,
like fruit and grapes of orchard and vine,
it sweetens inward to tastes divine,
and outward blosssoms bouquet of scent,
opening mansions, high in firmament,
places pure, profuse...profound,
prepared for us thru sacred sound...
O Flame! burnishing below, upward aspire!
rise in heart's hearth, higher and higher!
expanding in bliss far beyond all walls,
our Mother calls!
This poem by my friend, Jeff Reicker, speaks volumes about the yearning for our real roots, somewhere beyond the foam of the sea to a higher firmament where abides our Mother ~ our Father and all our true sisters & brothers. By realizing the building of our inner temple now, and the temples of our brothers & sisters here in this firmament, we will find our real home which needs no walls. At that blessed time, the same son who was commissioned by the Father-God of whom we had thought to do such BIG things also, now has something BIG to say to us:
"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and never more shall he go outside." (Revelations 3:12)
byron lebeau reporting