CHEMTRAILS vs. CONTRAILS The author under focus is John Colaw, and he pulls no punches in stating that chemtrails (CHEMICAL TRAILS) are real and we are not being told the truth about them since the "experts" are saying that they are simply contrails (CONDENSATION TRAILS OF AIRPLANES) ~ when John knows ~ THEY ARE NOT! A QUOTE FROM THE END OF HIS ESSAY, which can be found in the 2001 Rose Garden Publication of Angelico Tapestra's book: THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION, Volume I, Colaw states in his CHEMTRAILS essay the following interesting MAYAN prophecy: {{{When the spider web appears in the sky, the time of the end of the Great Cycle is at hand....}}} According to Colaw, director of the UFO Disclosure Group, as well as Membership Director for SKYWATCH INTERNATIONAL, Chemtrails sure look like spider webs!!! WHAT CHEMTRAILS ARE NOT: They are NOT contrails! Why not? The author had spent many years observing contrails in his home state of Kansas (Wichita), and goes on to explain the characteristics of a NORMAL contrail: 1) They tend to be long, wispy, cloud-like lines often seen HIGH in the sky, trailing behind some aircraft. 2) "Trail" is composed of ice particles, and depending upon the temperature & humidity, they tend to dissipate quickly. 3) They occur RANDOMLY in the sky due to the nearly limitless potential flight patterns & traffic lines available for the aircraft that create them. [THEREFORE, forming checkerboard squares in the skies of our fair planet - DO NOT QUALIFY!] 4) Due to the low temperature requirement, they usually are found from 33,000 feet AND ABOVE. 5) They dissipate QUICKLY! It is important to keep in mind the highlighted words, for now the author explores the nature of real CHEMTRAILS: 1) They make LOWER altitude appearances (i.e. under 33,000 feet.) 2) They usually consist of parallel lines that intersect with other perpendicular lines to form monstrous grids (checkerboards) or as the author puts it ~ latticed net patterns in the sky. 3) Sometimes, (and the author takes up this point later,) the chemtrails form an "X" as in X MARKS THE SPOT! 4) They have been observed being sprayed from booms on tankers. NOTE: Contrails emit from engine exhaust...which is QUITE A DIFFEENT MATTER, [and reason alone to POLITELY ASK: What the freak is going on?!?] 5) And what IS a chemtrail? NOT ICE!!! Rather, after John Colaw did an exhaustive search on a popular search engine, which I also rely on (WWW.GOOGLE.COM) he found everything from biological warfare agents and dangerous heavy metals to traces of disease precursors being alleged. [[For SPECIFIC chemicals found in the trails, please go to byron lebeau ESQ.- poetry & prose located at THEN scroll down to a web page called, 'ENEMY???' in which I have dedicated a whole section on the CHEMTRAILS, including links to popular websites and articles....It fills in what Colaw does not address in his own very good essay. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, AND YOU CANNOT KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT IT TO WITHSTAND THE PROPAGANDA AGAINST IT.]] 6) The chemtrails also tend to "fatten out" (like a feather, [but me thinks-NOT THE FEATHER OF PEACE & LOVE] ) and then they drift DOWNWARD. They also do not dissipate. 7) The intersecting lines form a true perpendicular. [NOTE: They are NOT RANDOM activity...Yet, NO ONE IS SAYING "boo!" or what they do say - smells to high heaven! See below.] 8) If people reflecting an "official" position talk at all ~ it is doubletalk; for instance, as Colaw cites in his essay: NASA's Patrick Ninnis, (atmospheric scientist-[so who could argue with him?] ) tells us "the cloud forming contrails that conspiracy theorists find so ominous [like John Calaw and byron lebeau, for instance,] are perfectly natural." This 'expert' being quoted from a USA Today article written by Traci (close-minded) Watson, states the following: '...the odd grid & parallel-line patterns are easily explained as contrails BLOWN TOGETHER [my italics] by the wind." [cf. p.403 of Tapestra's book and check for misprint-if any!] THEN in italics, Colaw states the following follow-up to this extraordinary remark: "MR. NINNIS, THIS IS UTTER & COMPLETE NONSENSE. These patterns have only been seen recently. If this came from the wind, it would not be a grid. That is an insulting remark...." [Mr. Ninnis, atmospheric 'scientist' is talking to YOU & ME, folks! It makes you want to be an atmospheric scientist, doesn't it?!? OBVIOUSLY THOUGH, Mr. Ninnis could not be that stupid: DOUBLESPEAK = DECEPTION but FOR WHAT REASON???] SPECULATIONS BY COLAW: A) The chemtrails may be an attempt to alter the atmospheric environment through weather modification. B) A possible attempt to compensate for the hole in the ozone, perhaps? The HAARP project originating in Alaska [cf. Nick Begich's book, ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP or Jerry Smith's HAARP,] may cause an artificial cloud cover; also, the "X" markings, referred to before, may be the spots for FOCUSED HAARP energies!?! (cf. p.404 in Tapestra's text) TO BE SURE ~ SOMEONE IS HIDING SOMETHING! Colaw cites a control FAQ sheet up at the EPA website. They insinuate that plain old everyday contrails are often persistent and that they do drift down and fatten up, and even turn to cirrus cloud cover. JOHN COLAW SAYS: SINCE WHEN? Why don't the RANDOM contrails do this? Are we being conditioned? Never forget, says this author, that the mind control MKULTRA has been admitted to by the CIA in Senate hearings as being JUST THAT, a mind control experiment taken out on the unwitting citizens ["cattle" like you & me.] The author asks why he has seen the heavenly chessboard of chemtrails over nine times since last year (2000) and not once in forty some years preceding. Something is happening. What are they hiding that they do not provide reasonable answers? [[It sounds like a reasonable question and why I even bother highlighting this essay in this book.]] While you ponder that, John Colaw paints a picture of the "SPIDER WEBS" [of the MAYAN prophecies?] in the sky over Elk City, Oklahoma, where he was visiting his family. The lines that dozens of people saw was from horizon to horizon, and interlaced at a perfect ninety degrees, to form a huge lattice in the sky. It was an intelligent pattern, a total grid of perfect lines. "Very unusual...not random at all. And there was no wind to speak of." (p.400) IT GETS WORSE(R): The author asked if any of the dozens of people (who had witnessed the Elk City chemtrails) had a flu or a cold beforehand. Not one did, including Colaw. The very next day, after viewing the (alleged) chemtrails, John awoke with a severe upper respiratory infection. (One in four took ill the next day of the dozens of people witnessing the extraordinary "trails". (cf. text for description of just how saturated the skies were that fine day.} The author had insisted that he NEVER GETS SICK! [HMMMMMMMM! What is going on here?] You can visit this author at UFO DISCLOSURE GROUP @ I HOPE THAT I HAVE IGNITED YOUR CURIOSITY IF IT HASN''T BEEN THERE BEFORE! It is a disturbing subject to me, having researched myriad things that seemingly point to an adverse effect upon the citizens of our fair country. START ASKING POINTED QUESTIONS, armed with just the information in this essay and its adjoining links. Do it before you are exposed to the same ill effects that adversely affected John Colaw ~ or perhaps ~ WORSE(R)! byron lebeau reporting