That the Shadow Govt. mirrors our own government, BUT it has a few more branches that operate under the cover of NATIONAL SECURITY? Pay attention to the many divisions, and it may help to answer some of your questions about WHO IS RUNNING WHAT AND FOR WHOM!
EVERYTHING was changed and reorganized between 1947-1948 after the Roswell incident (as per Richard Dolan) but you, the tax payer (two words) were not informed, but you, the TAXPAYER, (one word) are paying the price for this ignorance for monies diverted to & through the BLACK BUDGET:
THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: unlike Gaul & the UNITED STATES, is divded into FIVE branches:
1) THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH which conveniently works without a "check & balance" system, so objections become futile. It is the ULTIMATE DICTATORSHIP where all else flows from it. JUST FOR THE RECORD, (and this will be confirmed chapter & verse when you explore the bibliography,) is subdivided into Council of Foreign Relations (Bush Sr. & Jr. & Clinton are among members); Tri-Lateral Commission (king-pin David Rockefeller, is cojoined by people like Kissinger, Alan Greenspan [the one who makes monetary policy] David Gergen [famous newscaster and reporter] and Jimmy Carter, plus a few others....The Bilderbergers (headed by Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Barnhard of Netherlands, plus our friends Bush Sr. & Bill Clinton, [who cannot seem to belong to enough clubs]; the NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL [of which Richard Dolan has much to point to in his insightful book in bibliography]; plus sundry other groups like FEMA [who are ready-willing-and due to Executive Orders, able to take over all aspects of our legitimate government in case of a super-emergency leading to MARTIAL LAW; this has already been put into law so you cannot complain later when non-elected officials seal your fate!]
2) INTELLIGENCE BRANCH: As you would expect, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the super-secret National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) do all of the things to monitor ALL of the communications' throughout the U.S.; [[NOTE: the NRO is also responsible for monitoring UFO traffic entering & leaving Earth's surface...{{{which, if you see the movie-"OFFICIAL DENIAL" although ostensibly 'science fiction' - is chock-full of science fact!}}} ]] The NRO is also busy monitoring the alien abduction phenomenon and interface with it, even by abducting legitiamte abductees (like Leah Haley, for instance: cf. her book, LOST WAS THE KEY and understand who is behind this.) Both the CIA & FBI have their part to play within this system, the CIA reporting all intelligence via the NSA...while the FBI cooperates with the NRO, especially with those who have encountered UFOs & extra-terreestrials. [cf. George Andrews' book, EXTRATERRESTRAIL FRIENDS & FOES for a little insight into this part of the phenomena.] The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has compartmentalized its intelligence that involves UFOs & USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects), so they also act as an intelligence gathering center. [[I am not sure about this, but - according to the structure - they may also coordinate their intellingece with the NSA, who, after all, accordiang to the Dolan book, were set-up to handle the UFO problem to begin with; the British Intelligence via MI5 is also part of this equation.]] THERE ARE AT LEAST TWELVE OTHER SUB-AGENCIES, but I would like to draw your attention to PROJECT DEEP WATER & PROJECT PAPERCLIP: These two were the conduits for the insidious Nazi experiments to be brought over and executed in the United States, via the importation of a General Reinhard Gehlen, (Nazi Intelligence) to be used to redesign US Intelligence....NICE!....[A very interesting book which shines a mighty light on this sickening aspect ((AFTER ALL-WE BEAT THE NAZIS, DIDN'T WE?)) is Peter Levenda's UNHOLY ALLIANCE." The evidence is overwhelming, and he risked his life just to bring it to the public's attention.]
3) THE WAR DEPARTMENT: This takes care of things like deployment of the "Star Wars" Stratigic Defense Initiative which was a cover for the real purpose: Space weapons, including pulsar killer lasars, particle beams, plasmoid, and other advanced technology weapons; [In 1995, I had Colman Von Keviczky on a public access TV show explaing the real nature of the SDI, which was, in effect, a Star War with some of the galactic forces. He presented the evidence of the "ALPHA LASAR" as just one example; he also showed a video of strange "changes" on the moon plus a video of a UFO captured by a Japanese photographer on the same piece of "dead?" real estate. When he first broached this subject in the late 1970s, before anyone else I might add, not too many people believed him; he has subsequently been proved to be correct, and there certainly is a UFO connection to it. The STS-48 which occurred in the 1991 NASA mission shows just such an encounter.] There are many technical space-related groups in this department, including, but not limited to the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, the Phillips Air Force Lab, the Sandia Testing Facility (which includes the infamous US-UFO bases at Groom Lake and Papoose Lake Base in Nevada. Special Forces are also part of this department: U.S. Army Delta Forces (The Green Berets)-U.S. Navy Seals (Black Berets)-& USAF Blue Light (Red Berets). There are myriad other groups here, (see bibliography sources,) but leading the pack is the NORTH AMERICAN AEROSPACE DEFENSE COMMAND (NORAD) , which, not surprisingly, is the command center buried deep within the confimes of Cheyenne Mountain. Some of the code names for UFO-related projects include Snowbird-Aquarius-& Rainbow, all of which are spelled-out in the source material.
4) WEAPONS INDUSTRY BRANCH: These usually are corporations that secretly sub-contract with the government to design exotic weapons, like Bechtel Corp. ~ for instance. [Philip Corso, now deceased, has written an enlightening book on this subject, and how the remains from the Roswell crash were ferreted out and compartmentalized to the various sub-contractors early-on, like in the 1950s; if you read the book, THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, you will get a bird's eye view of these secret technical advances being made without even the corporations being aware of their origins, i.e. the Roswell UFO.] The aother BIG-THREE include Northop-Lockeed- & McDonell-Douglas Corporations, involved with Black Budget projects, especially that dealing with anti-gravity. [Evidence for this has been put forward on the internet through the efforts of Dr. Steven Greer and his DISCLOSURE PROJECT GROUP. As far as I know through my inspection of same, he has over 400 Black Project witnesses who are willing to testify to the above, once they are granted full immunity from prosecution; it is this stumbling -block that has PREVENTED THE FULL DISCLOSURE of the UFO enigma, hiding under the guise of "NATIONAL SECURITY." One now has to legitimately ask: WHOSE SECURITY!?! If you do a search on Dr. Greer, you will find all the information you need to know to fill-in the gaps of the information being provided on this web page.]
5) THE FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT: Perforce, this includes the infamous FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (damned as illegal through the research of Eustace Mullins (cf. sources) controlled by the wealthy private elite New World Order forces of the Rothschilds-the Rockefellers-the Mellons & the DuPonts, but not limited to these families; a complete grouping of the THIRTEEN families and sub families is portrayed on the internet by Fritz Springmeier under the banner of "SATANIC BLOODLINES" which you can find easily enough by doing a GOOGLE search. ALSO, let us not forget the good old IRS, which operates as an extension of the above, and turns all your hard-earned taxes (as a TAXPAYER) over to any Federal Reserve Bank....where it makes its way back to the International Families...and then pored into the Black Budgets. See?
Other sources of income come from the "front" businesses of the CIA who make tons of money - illegally through the Internation Drug Trade; if you doubt this, please do an engine search on former LAPD narcotics agent, Mike Ruppert, who gives tons of damnable evidence as to the illegal operations of the CIA; he shoudl know ~~~~~~HE USED TO "COVER" for them AS A NARCOTICS AGENT, before he blew the whistle, and almost got killed doing it.....He also lost his job, and was homeless for a period of time. WHY? BECAUSE HE THOUGHT IT WAS IMPORTANT THAT THE PEOPLE KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE 'SHADOW GOVERNMENT.'
[[SOURCES: For a brief overall view, and a more detailed understanding of the above summary regarding who is running what on this planet, cf. THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION, Volume One, by Angelico Tapestra.
FOR MORE IN~DEPTH VIEW OF MANY OF THE RELATED TOPICS TOPICS, may I suggest the following books &/or videos:
A) UFOs & the NATIONAL SECURITY STATE, by Richard Dolan, especially as it has to do with the origins of the National Security System (illegal) and the transfer of the Nazis (Project Paper Clip); there is a ton of great anecdotal UFO-related stories, in case you still think that they are a "myth!"
B) RULE BY SECRECY by Jim Marrs, which is one of the latest & most comprehensive books on the origins of secret societies. Even though I disagree with Marrs about his "take" on the gnostics, the New World Order info is pretty good, and needs to be seen in relation to the other sources presented on this website, and in the recommended sources.
C) JOURNEY INTO MADNESS, by Gordan Thomas. This is one of the earliest books exposing the nafarious goings-on of the CIA when it came to the development on mind control [MKULTRA] in the U.S., via the experiments going on in Canada (McGill University, under the auspicies of Dr. E. Cameron.)
D) THE SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE, by Eutace Mullins. A classic book in how the citizens of the united States of America were economically sabotaged by the international elite "blue-blood" bankers of Europe & America.
E) A VIDEO: "THE TRUTH & LIES ABOUT 9~11".....where Michael Ruppert gives chapter & verse about his understanding of the illegal International Drug Trade by the CIA, and how it was related to the tragedy of the WORLD TRADE CENTER on Sept. 11th, 2001. It is quite revealing, and MUST VIEWING! If you can't view the video, see Ruppert's website at
[You can find a review of this video by going to the website: BULldog lebeau TAKE tooooo located at
and scrolling down to the video presetation web page: 'MORE DISCLOSURES ABOUT 9~11'.
There are many more references I could give, but this will make a nice overview for your future understanding and possible path to take, once informed of the truth of this matter.
byron lebeau reproting